El Alba is a private school that has been in operation and solvent for almost 50 years, but recent events have affected the school’s prospects. COVID played a major role, as did the double hurricanes Eta and Iota of 2020. Prudent management has allowed the school to stay in the black despite these challenges, but not to grow. Before COVID and the hurricanes, there were plans for additional classrooms, as the school is operating at capacity; an expanded library, as there are no English language public libraries in Siguatepeque; a new science lab; and other enhancements. However, the funds intended for these purposes had to be diverted to these unforeseen costs.

Our students are the children of the area’s professionals and business owners. We are educating the future leaders of the city and the country, and we take this mission seriously. We offer not only excellent academic standards, but also spiritual values and morals. We have a few scholarship students, and it has been our dream to welcome more, but these plans have also had to be put on hold. We would love to welcome more deserving children from all sectors of our city.

El Alba’s families pay tuition fees, and these fees pay the school’s day to day expenses. None of the funds being raised will be used for these kinds of expenditures, but for improvements and scholarships. It is well known that the best way to lift a country out of poverty is through education. Please help El Alba to continue providing stellar education in a place where it is sorely need.


As we strive to make a meaningful impact in our community, we rely on the generosity of individuals like you who share our commitment to positive change. Your support is not just a donation; it is an investment in the improvement of lives and the advancement of our shared values. Together, we can achieve so much more. With every contribution, no matter the size, you become an essential part of our goal, and we invite you to join us in making a lasting difference.